Saint Paul Art Crawl – Spring 2022
The St. Paul Art Collective is proud to announce the Spring 2022 Saint Paul Art Crawl. This event is presented each spring and fall by the Collective, who relies on artists and others who volunteer their time and resources, to make it happen. Support has been generously given by local businesses including the Pioneer Press,

Have You Ever Felt Like This?
Covid 19 is said to come from bats. Bats. Mammals that fly, winging their way into popular culture and artist’s fevered imaginations. Think of Dracula, Batman. Scary dudes who dominate the night and the moon. I was in a purple mood. I went to my art studio, properly masked so I could barely smell the

The Opposite of the Blues
The truth in its opposition to The Blues, is Orange. A happy color, grotesque if engaged in high concentrations, used in flowers and soups and silly dresses. Orange is not used on walls or dignified as primary house paint; o, no. It is acceptable even in sunsets, where gaudy pinks are distastefully preferred. It is

Getting to know Thom Lister
On a cold Monday night, many years ago, I sat in a room full of strangers, waiting for the teacher to arrive. I was taking my first ever oil painting class. It was exciting. The St Paul high school smelled like my old schools from childhood; Cleaning fluid, old carpets and Swell bubble gum. I

Dow Art Gallery: Mission Statement
The Dow Art Gallery and Picture Framing supports Minnesota artists by providing exposure to the general public through the showrooms, digital media, and events. Our mission is to see that all our artists are provided with a living wage. Mission statements are difficult to invent, especially among people with different backgrounds, ages, and methods. But

What it’s Like To Be TOSCA’s Best Art Gallery in the Twin Cities?
Khanh Tran was invited to the deluxe TOSCA Awards banquet on September 5th. But there was a conflict: a family wedding. So he sent me instead.